The Power of Invented Holidays


In this episode of Purpose & Profit Podcast, your co-hosts, Carly Berna and Dave Raley, talk about the power of invented holidays and the concept of shared moments that rally people together around a common cause or idea. How do these shared moments across these various invented holidays relate to the for-profit and nonprofit sector and why might it be important to recognize as professionals in the industry? Is there an untapped opportunity there? That’s what Carly and Dave are looking to uncover in this episode.

They begin by defining what invented holidays are - May the 4th, Talk Like a Pirate Day, No Phone Day, etc. - and dive into brand-specific holidays such as Amazon Prime Day and GivingTuesday, listing the various aspects that make them such a success culturally, as well as from an economic standpoint. 

They talk about how creating shared moments around the theme of an invented holiday can help unify communities, capitalize on FOMO, and ultimately drive sales and giving among businesses and nonprofits. 

Later, they’ll share practical tips on how you can incorporate invented holidays into your organization. Steps on how to do this include: 

  • Mapping out the calendar to see what holidays might be relevant for your organization

  • When to start the ‘celebration’ process of the holidays’ shared moments, and how long to continue that celebratory process

  • What it might look like to create your own brand-specific holiday based on your specific audience

Learn more about invented holidays such as GivingTuesday, visit: 

Season Five of the Purpose & Profit Podcast is brought to you by:


Virtuous is a software company committed to helping nonprofits grow generosity. Virtuous believes that generosity has the power to create profound change in the world and in the heart of the giver. With that in mind, it’s their mission to move the needle on global generosity by helping nonprofits better connect with and inspire their givers. Learn more about Virtuous and download your free Nonprofit CRM Checklist here.

FaithSearch Partners

FaithSearch Partners is an executive search firm for faith-based organizations, dedicated to providing lasting solutions and championing faith-driven leaders. Their mission is to serve their clients and empower them with the right people at the right time to help drive their unique mission of ministry forward. Learn more about FaithSearch Partners here.

Imago Consulting

Imago Consulting is an advisory firm that helps nonprofits and businesses grow through innovation. Innovation is the lifeblood of any growing organization. Imago publishes a weekly trends report called The Wave Report – learn more at Imago Consulting website and subscribe here.

Special thanks to editor and sound engineer Barry R. Hill and producer Abigail Morse.


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